

I think the picture says it all. It was 40 degrees (with humidity) here today. There was an extreme heat alert and all pools extended their hours until 11:45pm. Citizens were adivsed to use less power and go their nearest civic centre to stay cool. It was Aren's first day at the CFC - stay tuned for details. He is currently too hot to do anything but lay supine with a cold compress on his baking head. There was also a lighting alert for tonight. Hopefully the heat spell will break soon. It's hard to get much done when you are covered in sweat just sitting at your computer.
Update: The gale force winds have started! Yay!


Blogger singne said...

Oh poor Cat! Poor Aren! Poor you!
I don't think I could stand that heat!
I hope the CFC is air-coditioned ... I look forward to hearing about how the course is going.
I moved into my new place and am very happy with it. Will send pictures soon. x0x


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