
New job, new pants, new hair

We've been busy hence the lack of new posts. Here's what we've been up to:
- One application + one interview = one new (temporary) job for me. I will be working for the Toronto International Film Festival in the box office of the industry venue. I'm very excited about the staff movie pass.
- Aren had an all day workshop with Ron Sanders, David Cronenberg's editor (he has edited all of Cronenberg's work except two very early shorts). He is a humble, articulate man at the absolute top of his field.
- Caribana! A little different than I expected, the 'masqueraders' didn't really do anything. They just walked along, eating or occasionally dancing. People were loving it though.
- We have found the perfect binders (Aren got the orangey-red one and I got the black and white one). They are made by Russell + Hazel and we love them becuase they are simple, elegant and practical. It took a little detective work to get them as no one in Toronto carries them (or has heard of them). If only they were made by a Canadian company.
- I started working on the dance show that will be presented here called 'The End'. It's pretty fun so far: it's inspired by film noir and horror/thriller movies so very stylized, all black and white and patent leather. The dancers are really nice too.
- We have watched most movies in the cinemas right now. Pirates, Clerks II, The Road to Gitmo, An Inconvient Truth, The Devid Wears Prada, thumbs up, Superman thumbs down.
- The weather has cooled which we are both enjoying. Apparently, humidity makes it easier to move as the air is supported more of your body than normal.
- Aren got a haircut.
- Today, I bought pants/long shorts/culottey things that fit perfectly. Straight off the rack. This rarely happens.
- I had an interview with the artistic director of one of the most well known modern/contemporary dance companies in Canada. Fingers crossed that something comes out of it.
- Aren is currently doing an exercise at the CFC (production 3) where he will have to edit 4 short films, over 2 weeks, that were written by the writers and directed by the directors. They are being shot in the Toronto Film Studios, inside of a jail cell and an empty apartment. He is also working on 4 script ideas to pitch for an upcoming production exercise.
- There are a few photos of our apartment below: the deck, looking the length of the apartment from the deck to the street, my studio and our bedroom (the living area is just on the other side of the wall you see in the picture).


Blogger singne said...

What a nice newsy blog, with more great pictures! I like the ice-cream-coloured paper balls, and the ornate painted ironwork, and the apartment pics - looks like a perfect place for the two of you. There's even a cat sitting up on the room divider (hope they're behaving these days.) Is the polka-dot outfit your new culottes/pants/shorts, Reva? Can't quite tell from the picture if that's what it is, or is it a skirt? I like the sound of the binders - simple, elegant and practical - What do you like about them? Looks like they have a little pull-out handle, for when they're lined up on a shelf I guess, and the orange one looks like it's made of some interesting material? Tell me more! You both have lots of interesting things going on - I think you're well-matched in your energies and interests. Aren had told me that Ron Sanders was coming for a workshop, and it sounds like that was good. (He also said that the course goes seven days a week, I hadn't realized that.) I hope something comes of the dance company interview. Good luck with everything, and thanks for all the pictures and updates, love it all.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, it looks like you two are living the life of Riley in the big TO. It looks like magazine-lifestyle. The kind of colourful, action-packed life that people only have in movies with smashing clothes and gourmet food and lots of laughter and tomato-growing in the sunshine.
The apartment looks great. I had no idea it was so nice and lofty. Brick. Balcony. Damn nice.
Thanks for putting the 'musician' link on your page! I just noticed it.
Good to hear what you're up to, Reva... cool job to bag for the summer!
We're just holding down the fort over here. Bit of a shoddy electrical setup in this place, hey? The outlets are jokesters- we battle it out sometimes. Otherwise: basil is delicious! I love having a clothesline! Stereo keeps up alive! I will never cease to be amazed at how few bugs come in the wide-open windows. Your granola is a staple. What will we do when we run out?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

singne: it's always something with the cats. one day they are leaving presents all over the house, the next, they wake us up all night long, meowing and jumping on the bed. otherwise, this apartment is pretty great. if only we could keep it and transport it 5km east (closer to downtown)...those polka dots are not mine though i do like a polka dot...the binders are great because they are beautiful and pratical. the design is simple: millboard and book cloth (for aren's, mine is glossy paper) on the spine. the handle attachs a large elastic band that holds the whole binder together. the inside cover is a white board for jotting down notes.
alicia: sounds like you are having fun...i forgot about the outlets, sorry...i can send you the granola recipe

Blogger singne said...

Alicia and I both thought that was you in the polka dots - must be the little red shoes. (We like a polka dot now and then too.)
Alicia is having a Bowen sleepover tonight.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey! your website is one of the few that I check in on regularly... what great photos! they actually make me feel nostalgic for the interesting little cultural niches of toronto! but I'll still stay in vancouver... glad that life is treating you two well, aside from the latest toe torture. hate that. also glad you found butler's pantry, which, I hope, is as good as I remember! stay well, y'all!


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