
Subway Carnage *warning - graphic photos*

I know what you're thinking. Aren was shot. I'm not going to lie to you... I was not shot. But there was a lot of blood. An enormous pool of it. For those of you that know me well, you'll know that I am no stranger to the emergency room. Somehow or another I find myself in those emergency room waiting rooms every year, exchanging curious glances with other patients, passing time reading 3 year old canadian magazines.

Most recently I fell hiking. My boot got completely wedged in between two large rocks, as we were rapidly descending down a mountain trail. My body kept moving forward and down, my foot did not. I ended up at a 45 degree angle, with my feet up above my head. As I was falling I managed to catch myself, pushup style, on two sharp rocks. My face was spared - but my hand was badly gouged. I spent 5.5 hours in the emergency room to get stitched up by an intern. I blame the scar on her.

The time before that was probably up at Whistler, when I slammed my thumb into a big tree and tore the ligament. Not a big deal, the Whistler hopital was great. I had previously completely severed that tendon before, when a friend bumped into me with a knife, but that's a different story. Surgery. Big scar from that. There was also the time that I tore the tendon in my ring finger - same hand. Then of course there was the memorous incident of the funny bone breaking off during an arm wrestle. Wicked scar from that one. Two big surgeries. More minor, but once I had a push pin completely stuck in my foot, it had hit bone and bent like a fish hook. The solution was anesthetic and a good pull. Once while doing some packing work at an old job a razor knife blade broke on me and my arm swung down and sliced through my jeans and my leg. Stitches and scar. When travelling in the middle east I was hospitalized a couple of times. My fondest memory of the whole trip was waking up in the middle of the night feeling a little strange. I was sticky. And there was a weird smell. My IV had popped out and my blood was pumping freely all over me. Damn Turkish hospitals. I took off my T-Shirt and wrang out the blood. No joke. The two other hospital trips weren't as interesting. There are more - ankle cracks and whatnot, but I'll spare you.

Anyway, needless to say I am sick and tired of emergency rooms! When I hurt myself these days the first thing that goes through my mind is not about the severity of my injury but, "oh crap, I'm going to have to sit in an emergency room for 5 hours." Tonight on the way home from a Southasian street festival, I tripped on an escalator, thanks to some big sandals. The toe of the sandel caught the edge of the stair and I drove my foot straight into the steel with all the strength I could muster. It winced. I noticed the blood right away. It was really incredible. It just started pouring out. My sandel was flooded in a matter of seconds. Soon there was blood all over the floor of the subway station. It looked like a horrible scene of violence. Reva was with me and we both struggled to find something to apply pressure with. Of course, we only had our favourite clothes with us. I was wearing a shirt Reva had just finished customizing for me. Reva was wearing a brand new shirt that she loved. I looked over and there in my bag was my favourite zip-up. I hadn't had a chance to wear it yet since moving to Toronto, so I figured I'd cover it with blood and dirt. Reva bandaged me up and off we went to the hospital. The story is boring from there on. The service at emergency was good - they respond quickly to large amouts of blood. The doctor was friendly and hunky. The damage to the toe is minimal. 6 stitches. No biggie. Warning, one of the photos below is a little graphic.


Blogger singne said...

This is hard stuff for a mother to read! I remember all those incidents, but you hadn't told me about the blood in the Turkish hospital.
This is quite a reality blog - excellent documentation! I'm trying to picture exactly how the injury happened - were you still on the escalator? It sounds very painful, and it's always scary to see so much blood. Quite a dilemma, which of the favourite clothing items to use to staunch the flow. Maybe Reva should start packing some pressure dressings and tape in her big custom bag.
Six stitches is a lot for one toe - it must be pretty sore. I'm really sorry you had to go through this, I hope it heals quickly. I think that's enough accidents for now. No more! xox

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hope the shirt fully recovers! and your toe too of course.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

singne: having a supply of dressings is not a bad idea...aren was walking up the escalator and the toe of his sandal separated from his foot so the sandal went vertically down while his toe slide horizontially forward causing the gash. it was the most blood either of us had ever seen.
raema: the shirt is mostly fine. strangely, all the blood came out, it's just the dirt/grime from the ground that won't.

Blogger singne said...

Just needing a few more details ...
so you bundled up the foot, as in the photo, and then what? Did you have to hobble onto the subway, or did you take a taxi, how did you get to the hospital? And was the toe slashed along the side, or on the top - it's amazing that there was so much blood. That photo of the sandal is really gruesome!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, Aren your poor toe! I was just catching up on your blog and was totally horrified to see the pic of Reva holding up the blood-soaked shirt (not to mention the rest of the gory shots!). Escalators are very dangerous things I think, many people are attacked by them all the time. You must be vigilant!
In the meantime I hope you're recovering; six stitches are indeed a lot for one toe. I guess you're going to have (yet another) scar.
(From your aunt Victoria.)

Blogger singne said...

You might say, of the arm-wrestling injury, "wicked scar AND a steel pin ..."
And I can't help thinking of the summer you were three, and riding a two-wheeler already, and fell and came home with a bleeding face, swollen mouth and several cracked teeth ...
You were quite a little daredevil back then, it is a wonder you didn't have a lot more broken bones!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahhh!! blood!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I knew my fear of escalators wasn't unfounded!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

singne: we hobbled out of the subway station and into a taxi to the hospital. the cut is on the bottom of the big toe. it seems to be doing well.


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