
aunties and uncles

we had a lovely day off today, taking time to celebrate and enjoy life and a variety of accomplishments. aren finished the first two short films and needed a break before going back in to tackle the feature. he will present his cut to the director in four days. when faced with having an extra day to edit and burning out or less time but more energy/creative focus/will to live, he wisely chose the later. i'm finished at the costume shop. i went to see toronto dance theatre's new show, timecode, last night and was blown away. the integration of video with the movement was breathtaking (for reals, you all know how i feel about 'multimedia'). i'm very excited and honoured to be working with such an amazing company.
first, breakfast. we went to aunties and uncles. it was delicious. we both loved it immediately - great atmosphere, excellent food, good coffee (though no soy milk, the dude practically scoffed at me. i think i will have to start carrying around a small thermos of the stuff to thwart the dairy enablers), terrific value for money. definitely our favourite by far (of course, in our hearts, a torch burns eternally bright for hatch).

then we got aren a new coat. or canadian forces parka, one piece, as the salesman described it. toasty. aren's also wearing his new fall/winter hat by me. thanks singne and ron!

we enjoyed a delicious pomegranate as an afternoon snack. aren then decided a nap was in order.

next up, dinner out to celebrate me getting into four at the winch and our good day.


Blogger singne said...

That sounds like such a good decision, to take a day off, and you really made the most of it. The breakfast reminds me very much of having breakfast at The Hatch with you. (was that the first time I met you, Reva?) (And The Hatch had soymilk.) (I've always thought it would be a good idea to cultivate a taste for black coffee, but when I have that cup in my hands I always think "next time". )
I am so happy about you getting into Four at the Winch - I knew it wouldn't be long before you got something good there! the Toronto Dance Company sounds wonderful, and I have heard lots of praise about them. Adventures ahead!
The coat looks like a perfect Toronto coat, I bet you will see lots of them on the streets. And the hat - you made a hat?! As a non-sewer, this seems remarkable! I wish you were here to give me some tips on using the sewing machine for the little flannel duvet cover I'm making for Tony. (Red on one side, green with dumptrucks and diggers and firetrucks on the other - I don't know how he'll ever get to sleep.)
A lovely day, and I hope you have a lovely celebratory dinner this evening too. xox

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I had to go back and reread the last blogs, because I obviously missed something. And indeed I had... Reva, that's super great news about the emerging designer position. Congratulations! Sounds like a really inspiring environment to work in, and a nice badge of prestige to have been chosen. And I guess that means that 1167 stays in our care for a little while longer...
A fine way to spend a day off. You two live right. An entertaining blog, as always.


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