
This and that, pt2

In and around our neighborhood.

We have found a great new cafe, much like Our Town. It's not in walking distance from our house but definitely worth the streetcar ride.

On Saturday, I went to a Swedish christmas fair. Lots of people speaking Swedish, yummy food, textiles and poorly behaved people.


Blogger singne said...

Poorly-behaved Swedes?!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Singne: I'm pretty sure they weren't Swedish. They were the Pushers, the Stoppers-in-the-middle-of-the-aisle, the Allow-their-3yrold-to-lay-flat-out-in-the-crowded-walkway-and-look-on-as-if-she-is-such-an-inspiration-ers, the Standers-in-front-of-short-people-without-even-considering-others at the St Lucia pageant, the My-money-is-more-important-than-everyone-else's-even-though-there-is-a-queue....le sigh.

Blogger singne said...

I know those hyphenated types! And Rosie agrees, they couldn't possibly be Swedes. We have a very high opinion of Swedes - ours were always very considerate and never stopped or pushed. Though some were very tall, and may have (inadvertently) stood in front of short people at St.Lucia pageants.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Singne and Rosie: If it where inadvertent, I won't have been annoyed. It's not, afterall, tall people's fault that I'm short. But when a tall person looks directly at you and then chooses to stand right in front of you even though there are other less obstructing places to stand, it's a little hard to take.

Blogger singne said...

Well, there is no excuse for that. And Im sure their karma will be very bad. It's satisfying to imagine just what forms it could take.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Next time, Reva, you just need to bring a really fantastically tall St. Lucia crown, and then scootch in front of the tallsome person at the crucial moment of the pageant, effectively blinding them with your blaze of crown candles, and maybe even singeing their nosehairs a bit.

Blogger revaren said...

alicia: genius plan! next out, rude torontonians. it's more disconcerting than normal because, in general, i find people here to be much more courteous than those in vancouver. fairly consistenly, people hold the door open for others, offer a transit seat to someone in need, stand/walk on the correct side of the elevator...perhaps the excitement of the pageant sidetracked them. it was quite nice, from what i could hear.


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