
A walk to a farm

We finished off our mushroom leek scramble and the sun came out. Out went Reva. Then she came back, raving about the warmth. It's unbelievably warm! So out we went, over and up through the town of cabbages. We arrived to the cold eye of an old turkey. And the suspicious peer of an upper class chicken. We visited for a few minutes and then went down to see an old donkey. We talked about hay and complimented a very large horse on his friendly face. A vicious icy wind began to wrap itself around us and gnaw our bones so we forgot to take his photo. We stopped off for a soy latte on our way home. Reva read the arts section of the NY Times, while I read the review of Do Make Say Think's new album. They say it rocks.


Blogger singne said...

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Blogger singne said...

wow, what a mushroom leek scramble -those grapes and oranges give a great jolt of colour!
Then Reva raving, and a trip through cabbages to see an old turkey (what a face!) and a fancy chicken (very pretty.) A chat with a donkey, and a horse, and a bone-gnawing chill soothed with a soy latte and a read of the paper ... sounds like a fine day!
The photos as always are wonderful ... I like the one of Reva standing in front of the fence - when the photo is opened up large, the trees look fantastic. And in the one of you Aren, it looks like you are wearing a top hat of some sort, but on closer inspection it is little bits of hair blown about. I like the sidewalk pic with the reflections too ... were you lying on the ground to take that one?
It was great to check your blog site and find a new posting, I think I'll send out a family alert!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

that turkey looks delicious!


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