

We went out for a snooze in High Park today. These poppies were along the way. A block later the sun vanished so we abandoned the park.


a special bicycle

Yesterday a very tiny 20 year old person rode shakily away on Reva's old blue bike. She paid the $30 asking price and off into the night she went. Without bike lights and with a long dark journey ahead of her, we expect that she's now in a local hospital and we send her our kindest wishes.

I noticed a little look on Reva's face as the old cruiser disappeared around the corner. Perhaps a moment of reflection on the many journeys they'd shared. Together they had been through a lot: accidents on busy streets, ferry rides at sunset, long winter missions and early summer outings to the farmers' market for local produce (I can only imagine the total poundage of fruit and vegetables those baskets held). Maybe most importantly, this bike marked a reconnection for Reva to the joy of the bicycle. She has truly become a cyclist over the past two years.

Here's a photo from one of our outings a while ago, perhaps on our way back from breakfast. Reva and her old blue bike.



We have so many questions about our mail service.

Why are postage rates different depending on the post office employee?

Why does our mailperson always put our mail in the wrong mailbox?

Why do we get flyers when we have a 'no flyers' sign?

These are just a few of the many questions we have about our mail service.