
tornado warning

whoah, tornadoes in southern ontario. i didn't know they had them here.

i 've gotten used to and enjoy the summer storms here in toronto. but today was different. rain, wind, thunder and lighting all appeared out of nowhere. there was constant lighting for about 5 minutes. then the sky started to turn yellowy-green which is often the case before a tornado touches down. the air got thick. luckily, the sky didn't turn black, start swirling nor was there the sound of freight train (all signs of immediate tornado action). i knew none of this beforehand and only learned about it while deciding whether to head to the basement and what to bring with me.

thank goodness (for me at least) the storm has moved on to eastern ontario without incident in my neighborhood. phew.


Blogger revaren said...

Coool... wish I was there to see that.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

tornadoes are amazingly horrifying...with all that they wreak.


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