
Bratislava daytrip

Ian (cinematographer), Aleco (actor) and I went on a to Bratislava today, the capitol city of Slovakia. Bratislava like Modra is very old. How old?

Wikipedia tells us:
"The first known permanent settlement of the area began with the Linear Pottery Culture, around 5000 BC"

It was very, very pretty, it almost felt unreal. It was like a movie set. We spent most of the day wandering around the old part of the city, which is full of mansions and palaces built by filthy rich artistocrats way back whenever that was. They say Mozart used to come to Bratislava a lot. Yessir.

We just meandered around for the entire day, poking into shops here and there, getting a drink when we were thirsty, taking a lot of photos and tried to walk as slow as possible. Speaking of photos, I was quite excited that I finally found a use for the shutter speed control on my camera. I maxed it out at 1/4000 sec and was able to stop the water in this shot. Kind of cool.

We had pizza for lunch, with a couple Pivot (beer)

Did you know Bratislava is nestled up against the Danube River?

We crossed the bridge over the Danube and went up the horribly ugly observation tower that is supposedly the most famous landmark of the city. It's really awfully ugly and also ended up making us nauseous . Because of it's odd design, the elevator to the top does not go straight up. It seems to be at a 20 degree angle. And then to actually get to the roof, you must ascend the most off kilter, claustrophobic, 'fun house' set of stairs I've ever seen. The tower did deliver though: the view was quite grand. And we spotted a whole wack of what we think are communist era housing projects (Slovakia was communist up until 1989).

So of course we walked over to them and wandered around.

It wasn't nearly as grim as I'd imagined. Most of the buildings were clean and there were families, playgrounds and flowers all over the place. Yay.

Talk to you tomorrow,


Blogger reva said...

cool, i love the pink building.

Blogger singne said...

loving the pics and commentary!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

loved the stop action picture of the fountain...wondered how you did it before I read the explanation.

Blogger revaren said...

Bonnie, I'm glad that explanation proved interesting.


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