
FIXED? Birthday Dress Spin

Okay, to see reva spinning in her birthday dress, visit the YouTube link HERE.
If it doesn't work, then your computer doesn't have the flash player installed. You can get it HERE.

Flash is being used a lot for video these days, it's worth taking the time to download if you don't already have it.


For those who wish to comment...

We love comments, we really do. I think we may have had a setting which forced people to sign into blogger before leaving a comment. This has been fixed. No registering needed. Also, we will see every comment left, even if it's on an old post, so if you have something to say, let's hear it.

Also, if you'd like us to investigate anything, we will go on stealth missions for you as time permits, taking notes and photos.

I think we should shave the cats.


Reva made me a wonderful pencil case for school, featuring Soft Triple-Ply Linen, Blue Mountain Graphic and Durable Metal Zipper.

Reva wore her new birthday dress out for brunch today. Video on its way.


A Strawberry Crash

Reva fell off her bike yesterday, in the middle of an intersection no less. An androgynous young person helped her up - thanks! She's okay. The strawberries however... some of them didn't make it.

On Wednesday we used the Green Bin for the first time. It's a compost bin, isn't that cool? They even take cat litter! Some motherfucker took our blue recycle bin last week. We're going to do a sting once we get the new one.

Our tomatoes are getting bigger and our fresh herbs are practically spilling over their planter. Yum.

Moments ago it absolutely started pouring at our place!


The Girlfriends

We saw a great movie yesterday, The Girlfriends by Michelangelo Antonioni. The Ontario Cinemethque (not quite like the one in Vancouver, it's very expensive and all about being a member. As a consequence we were the youngest people there by 25 years) is doing a retrospective of his films. It was made in 1955 and is still fresh and revelant today. Neither of us had ever seen any of Antonioni's work before and were excited to watch such good, story driven cinema. No gimmicks or cheap tricks or marketing machine. Just interesting characters involved in an engrossing story. Videomatica has quite a good collection of his work, fyi.
When we left the cinema, it was 'magic hour' - that hour or so before dusk where the light is golden and the shadows are long. We of course took a million photos. We finished off our evening with giant pints at Butler's Pantry (thanks for the tip, Paul).


The Beach(es)

Yesterday we had a day off and decided to check out the beach and the lake. This area is referred equally to as The Beach and The Beaches because some people claim there is only one good beach, Kew Beach, while others insist that there are a few, Balmy Beach, Cherry Beach. To the untrained (and unbiased eye) they look the same. The name(s) refers not only to the waterfront but to the neighbourhood surrounding it. It reminded us of Kits. It was very much like being at the ocean on a calm day except for the sea salt in the air.


a grand backyard

I (Aren) took a wander in the fields behind the CFC this afternoon. A pack of dogs attacked me with licks.



I think the picture says it all. It was 40 degrees (with humidity) here today. There was an extreme heat alert and all pools extended their hours until 11:45pm. Citizens were adivsed to use less power and go their nearest civic centre to stay cool. It was Aren's first day at the CFC - stay tuned for details. He is currently too hot to do anything but lay supine with a cold compress on his baking head. There was also a lighting alert for tonight. Hopefully the heat spell will break soon. It's hard to get much done when you are covered in sweat just sitting at your computer.
Update: The gale force winds have started! Yay!


cat shit everywhere... savvy?

We had a lovely day, taking photos, reading in cafes. We ended it with some Captain Jack and returned home to a distressing odour. 4 rolls of paper and a bottle of toxic Lysol later, we beat the cats and went to bed.