

The Easter Bunny made a visit to our house sometime early this morning. Yum, Lindt chocolate bunny and mini eggs. Sadly, no robin's eggs.

Preparing dinner which consisted of portabello mushrooms with artichokes and roasted red peppers with a tomato, leek and roasted garlic sauce, potato and leek timbale and salad. And lemon merignue pie for dessert. This was a scrape the bottom of the vegetable drawer and cupboard kinda dinner. Toronto is an old fashioned kinda place so when there's a holiday, everything is closed. Even the grocery stores. Aren and I are so busy right now, the grocery shopping didn't get done this week hence the slighty random but delicious meal.

Toronto Gothic.

Being silly, pretending we are on a scary ride.

Looks warm, right? The high today was 0. Apparently, spring does not come to Toronto. The snow disappears under the summer sun.


Blogger singne said...

you two make me laugh so much (I had to muffle myself, realizing that my landlady's visiting son is sleeping just on the other side of the wall from me ... I know this because I heard him snoring a short while ago ...)

Toronto Gothic - great! Next there will be a picture of you standing in front of a barn, with a pitchfork.

Your meal looks wonderful, you're very good at improvising from an empty cupboard, you make it sound gourmet! Some of the best meals are made that way, I've found.

And the scary ride ... I'd better not look at it or I'll start laughing again. You two put a unique spin on things always!

Glad you had a nice chocolate bunny! We had a happy evening here, I'll send some pics. It was great talking ot you.

love to you both xox !

Blogger ahbs said...

nice to see your playful ,deliciously fed and as always beautifully photographed selves! love the new shoes in the skona blog. lets talk soon!


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