
A private tour

Actually, I guess it's very public. Regardless, here are some photos of our home for the next year! It's located in possibly the coolest neighbourhood in Toronto and backs onto Trinity Bellwoods Park, a lovely urban retreat complete with... a pool! It's a huge, huge score. HUGE. We've looked at so many pieces of @#$ apartments, finally, finally we've found the one! There are windows everywhere, a lovely deck and it comes fully and beautifully furnished and equipped. Stereo, DVD player, lovely bowls and even.... olive oil. We will be moving in at the end of July, after a month spent elsewhere... hm... I wonder where?

it's inside that counts

Aren has returned to regularly scheduled programming with the recent aquitsion of a new nano (thanks Singne!). His daily commutes are now once again filled with indie rock.

Much to Aren's dismay, I decided that the case was too nice to recycle and could be reused in numerous ways. I thought it would make a great teeny dollhouse or packaging for a present or perhaps a travel toiletries case and put in my drawer of packaging-waiting-to-be-turned-into-something-useful. It didn't languish long in the drawer as I turned it into my new bobbin case. I added a band of elastic as it doesn't stay totally shut on it's own. So tidy!

spring! for real!

Blossoms outside our window.

Baby basil on the windowsill.

So vibrant the camera can't quite capture it.

New kicks.


Leaves starting to unfurl on Center Island.

New glasses.

Fingers crossed for parsley success.

First strawberry of the year.