
Ya! Like enough already!

I called Reva this afternoon to ask her opinion on soup and noticed loud ambient noise in her location. She was apparently sitting in an ambulance. Let's backtrack here. A couple weeks ago Reva was hit while riding her bike down College street. An older gentlemen in an ugly car recklessly pulled out out of a driveway clipping her back wheel. Reva was shaken but fine. The man was yelled at by some Taxi drivers. Since this incident, Reva had slowly been regaining her confidence on her bicycle: she was finally sleeping again and the sweats were subsiding (these are lies, she was fine). So you can imagine the shock when Reva told me that she was hit again this afternoon and more seriously so. She was riding East down Bloor (yes, she likes the big streets) to a fabric store to buy some notions. She was half way there, riding warm and happy in her new parka, thinking about Christmas presents probably when SMASH! ..........a car door sent her flying into the street.

She's okay. No injuries. Let's relieve all the mothers out there right now. It so happened that an ambulance was parked right behind the offending car, complete with freshly replaced and groomed medics, so she was quickly and efficiently picked up off the ground before she knew what had hit her (it was a door). The medics brought her into the ambulance and gave her a check over and a chance to catch her breath. They also called the police who raced to the scene with sirens blaring and ticketed the vicious door opener.

While she appears to be okay on the outside, her back and right knee are beginning to feel a little sore. As well, her bike basket is all busted up and her 'good' jeans are 'fucked'.

After this ordeal, Reva said she was full of adrenaline and 'ready to fight'. Instead of punches she decided to throw down a few bucks on a gourmet slice of chocolate cake at Dufflet, after taking the streetcar to buy her notions, which no dumb ass with a large piece of steel on a few hinges could keep her from.

AH reporting


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Careless a-holes! Leave the woman alone!
Good article, Aren. Riveting and succinct.

Blogger singne said...

That was riveting reporting, AH, the kind that leaves one shocked and appalled. Good thing you put in the disclaimer for mothers early on.
Honestly! Those car drivers! And in the photo you can see that Reva is not one to be trifled with ... they had better watch out!

Blogger singne said...

p.s. I hope Reva really is okay and that the soreness doesn't get worse.
also - really like your changes to the side bar lists!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about that, Reva! People are such shitheads. It feels like a person can't leave their house during the holidays, eh? Everybody's just losing their goddamn minds out there.

...PS Festive wishes!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

holy crap. puhleese be careful, perhaps avoid the main streets. many years ago, a highschool chum lost his very wonderful sister in such an accident. I've never forgotten. so, dear Reva, kindly stay off the stats sheets, okay?!?
-- paul

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah Reva,
what a catastrope...thanks to the
heavenly fathers that you were ok...am happy to see you in person to verify healthy status...love Mom


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