
This and that

Yesterday I went to the CBC museum and had thrill of a lifetime. Growing up, we were not allowed to watch any tv except the Friendly Giant, Mr Dressup and Sesame Street. You see, the current exhibit in the tiny museum is of children's programs. I got to see the Friendly Giant's costume, castle, Jerome, Rusty (did you know that Rusty was actually the puppteer's son's puppet? and it was used one day when there was a problem with the Jerome puppet) and best of all, the chairs and fireplace! For those of you who don't know/remember, Friendly would welcome the children watching to sit down in the chair or the rocking chair 'for those who like to rock' in front of the fireplace for the duration of the show. I never really liked the Friendly Giant (more specifically Jerome and Rusty) but the chairs and the castle were indelibly burned in my memory as magically wonderful. There was also Mr Dressup's easel and desk, the Tickle trunk with costumes and some of the drawings that Mr Dressup would use to accompany the stories he read. Best of all, Casey and Finnegan's tree house! It was way taller than I imagined but the actual tree house part was quite small. I had the best time ever. It was amazing to see these things in real life and be able to figure out how they were constructed (thanks BFA!) but still be able to experience the magic of them.

Limes from dinner

Front window

Apple cherry cardamon cake

Cats transfixed


Blogger singne said...

That sounds so interesting - I'd like to see it myself. I wonder what kinds of things Aren remembers from early TV watching?
Love the pics - esp. the cats watching the bird outside.
What did you do with all those limes?
I guess you gave up on blackberries, and found apples, cherries and cardamom instead?

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i used the limes for a salad dressing (my summer favorite) and a delicious summer drink called bul. it's from cuba and it's a mixture of beer, gingerale and lime juice. yum. i'm still dedicated to finding blackberries. one day.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That does sound cool. I remember all those shows and the friendly giant kind of scared me as well. One of my fave science world exhibitions was when the muppets came and you actually got to be a puppeteer and be a muppet (its hard). I also remember the transformers, we got to watch all the TV. Reva, youd like it in Peru, there are lots of olives. Although lots of meat as well. LIZ

Anonymous Anonymous said...

liz: olives, really? how surprising. is there quinoa every where as well?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll be making a trip out to Toronto just to see this exhibit I think. Mr. Dressup's treehouse?! God I loved that show. Funnily enough, I too remember very little about the Friendly Giant though I watched it often- for me it's the little recorder tune that will always stay with me. Mr. Dressup had it all: wasn't dressing up the best part of childhood?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

alicia: dressing up was one of our favorite things to do. we had a big dress up box with tons of my mom's cast offs. i also had a great kitchenette with dishes, a little table and chairs and an ironing board with an iron so we played alot of house. we also played office, school (where i was always elizabeth bits. who the hell is she?) and my favorite, store. frequently, we would put on shows for our long suffering parents. it was usually a mixed bill: there was a dance number, a 'song' played on the badminton racket guitar and flashlight microphone and a display of light acrobatics.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aren had a tickle-trunk too. We would dress up and star in our own indie-films, rock videos, animations, etc... It's a tough life being a popular high-school jock. Sometimes you just need to escape the clamour of adoring cheerleeders and put on a puppet show.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

nate: i had my own puppet theatre. i also had to escape the pressures and demands of elementary and high school stardom. sometimes the strains of my social engagements would become too much and i would just need to take a little time for myself, you know?


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