
This and that, pt2

In and around our neighborhood.

We have found a great new cafe, much like Our Town. It's not in walking distance from our house but definitely worth the streetcar ride.

On Saturday, I went to a Swedish christmas fair. Lots of people speaking Swedish, yummy food, textiles and poorly behaved people.


All I want to eat is pomegranate


More autumnal textures

This tree keeps changing colours. First it was a deep green. Then vibrant yellow. Now a goldeny orange. Will the leaves stay on long enough to turn orange and then red? Or is goldeny orange their last stop before turning brown and dropping to the ground? To be continued...


Welcome to skönalife

Sköna means 'beautiful' in swedish. I've created a new blog called 'skönalife'. I intend to post regularly on all things beautiful in my life and others'. There will be recipies, photographs, design and links. Click the photo to go directly to the blog!

bits and bobs

View from our western facing window.

Part of an installation I saw this weekend at the Gladstone Hotel. It was made up of 1000 hankerschiefs, some that moved (with the help of small motors).

Banana ginger muffins

Cushion covers I made to cover the tapestry horror that the couch came with.


the remember project

my dad and the military vechile preservation group he belongs to, western command, have created a week long remembrance day event, the remember project. their goal was to create way of making remembrance day more revelant for school children (and the general public). they worked with the municipality, local stores, the canadian armed forces, veteran affairs, the school district and collectors from bc, alberta and the us to create a show filled with vechiles, interactive displays, video stations and opportunities to chat with veterans. if you happen to be in abbotsford today, you should check it out.
this article has more details (though it only mentions one of the main organizers not the whole group).




aunties and uncles

we had a lovely day off today, taking time to celebrate and enjoy life and a variety of accomplishments. aren finished the first two short films and needed a break before going back in to tackle the feature. he will present his cut to the director in four days. when faced with having an extra day to edit and burning out or less time but more energy/creative focus/will to live, he wisely chose the later. i'm finished at the costume shop. i went to see toronto dance theatre's new show, timecode, last night and was blown away. the integration of video with the movement was breathtaking (for reals, you all know how i feel about 'multimedia'). i'm very excited and honoured to be working with such an amazing company.
first, breakfast. we went to aunties and uncles. it was delicious. we both loved it immediately - great atmosphere, excellent food, good coffee (though no soy milk, the dude practically scoffed at me. i think i will have to start carrying around a small thermos of the stuff to thwart the dairy enablers), terrific value for money. definitely our favourite by far (of course, in our hearts, a torch burns eternally bright for hatch).

then we got aren a new coat. or canadian forces parka, one piece, as the salesman described it. toasty. aren's also wearing his new fall/winter hat by me. thanks singne and ron!

we enjoyed a delicious pomegranate as an afternoon snack. aren then decided a nap was in order.

next up, dinner out to celebrate me getting into four at the winch and our good day.


happy all saint's day

meet our pumpkin, betelgeuse.