
aren has eye problems

Not only does Aren have problems with his own eyes (he has a sty, ouch)...

...but he also has problems with my eyes. Specifically, when my eyes are covered with avaitor sunglasses. He made me give them away as he deemed them to be 'manly'.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aren, we're so in sync ... I have a big lump on my eyelid right now, everyone keeps asking if it's a sty ... apparently not, it's a blocked duct, and painless. But a sty is nasty, hope it goes away soon.
As for your glasses Reva ... I don't know about them being manly, but you are so un-manly, I don't see how it would matter ...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So sorry about your eye problems
Aren...take good care and hope you are feeling better before you return to Vancouver.

Reva you look cute.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Boy is wrong Rev. the rockstar shades kick ass. -LB


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