
The Year of the Berry

I bought a flat of strawberries at the farmer's market this weekend. Last year, we felt that we didn't eat enough berries and felt bereft all of 2006. We vowed that 2007 would be different. There would be flats of strawberries, raspberries and blueberries which would consumed straight from the carton, made into jams, frozen for future pancakes, muffins and smoothies...we had plans. Then we decided to return to Vancouver for the main berry month, July. Putting all those berries up in a variety forms is no longer pratical. We will have to live in the present and eat until we feel sick.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

remember ... end of July in Vancouver means pounds and pounds of gorgeous big blueberries from Richmond and Langley ... we'll make sure you're well-supplied! And in August, the blackberries ....

I know what you mean about being bereft after missing out on the berries!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

me again...
just looking at those berries ... they look like real berries, not like the ones I bought this weekend up from california, big, red, white and tasteless on the inside. I have a lot of strawberry plants in the garden, they are just starting to bear fruit, later than most years. It is so cold and rainy here this month, everything is behind. Usually the father's day weekend is the big strawberry weekend in these parts.

And while I'm here, I want to say ... we all went to the screening tonight and liked all five films, but the ones edited by Aren Hansen were exceptional ...
Will call you to talk about them.
Congratulations Aren!

Blogger revaren said...

singne: they are real berries! juicy, sweet, full of flavor. yum. it's funny, father's day is the peak strawberry time here too. can't wait to hear your impressions of the films. were there a lot of people there?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, lots of people - at first I thought there weren't that many, then it really filled up ...


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