
The best chocolate sauce

It's actually a Hot Fudge sauce. I thought it sounded too dirty, so I said chocolate in the title.

1. Assemble ingredients: soy milk, dark chocolate, maple syrup, cocoa and vanilla.

2. Pour soy milk and cocoa in saucepan over medium heat.

3. Whisk until fully combined and smooth. Watch out for lumps; be aggressive!

4. Add maple syrup to taste. Whisk.

5. Add chocolate (broken into chunks). Whisk until fully combined.

6. Whisk (sense a pattern developing?) until sauce begins to thicken. Take care to mix the sauce continuously as chocolate burns very quickly.

7. Keep the cat entertained while continuing to whisk.

8. Once it has thickened...

9. Add in vanilla. Whisk.

10. Taste test to ensure proper levels of sweetness, bitterness, chocolate and vanilla.

11. Pour over ice cream (or cake or pancakes or fruit or directly in mouth) and enjoy.


Blogger singne said...

I enjoyed reading this recipe very much! I can imagine you making a great cookbook someday - I'd buy it.
I think we should make this chocolate sauce when we have Aren's in-absentia birthday party next month. (maybe I should practise a few times first on my own.)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I vote for Reva to create a website entirely devoted to step-by-step recipe photo streams. She's a natch!
I've never made an amazing chocolate sauce- but I do open up that can of cocoa beans and take a deep theraputic whiff every now and then. Mmm!

Blogger revaren said...

singne: it's really easy. the only thing is the whisking to ensure a lump free sauce. i've made it with all chocolate and it's much faster.
alicia: that would be so much fun. those cocoa nibs are great on ice cream as well.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Victoria (aunt): this is the best illustrated recipe I've ever seen. I mean complete with cat diversion instructions! You definitely should do a book. And the sauce looks fantastic. (But is the Amateur Radio Emergency Network the best choice for recipe testing?).

Blogger daringtowrite said...

What a fun post. I agree with your other fans.

Blogger singne said...

I'll be sure to whisk it aggressively!


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