

We're socked in with a weekend of rain thanks to a hurricane thousands of kilometers away. Luckily, we've got 10 movies rented.

Gyoza from Simon's Sushi (thanks Singne)

The tomatoes keep coming from the garden

We're doing a continuing 'transit' series of photographs. Here are the first shots:


Blogger singne said...

Hard to imagine you being in a big rainstorm there, thanks to Ernesto ... here in Vancouver we have the most glorious summer weather predicted for the whole weekend. Alicia is staying with me for a few days, Ron is coming over on the 11:00 ferry, and Rose is away visiting a friend in Courtenay.
The two DVD's I sent you are so good - are they on your list of ten? (If you choose just one of the two, watch 'This Beggar's Description'.) I've watched two good movies this week, children's movies really, "Nanny McPhee' and Duma - and to my surprise, I liked them both.
I like the transit series - lots of opportunities to photograph that subject!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We've started the Beggar's Description and are going to finish it this morning. Great so far.

Some kids movies are wonderful. In class Thursday we were studying... Looney Tunes.

Blogger singne said...

Studying Looney Tunes sounds fun!
I like the new coffee cup banner - I was waiting for a new one!

I was wondering, of the title of that film, "This Beggar's Description" - whether either of you is familiar with that expression - I know Alicia wasn't, I think it quite old-fashioned. It basically means that something is beyond description - and so the title in the context of the film is quite a clever play on words.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No I hadn't heard that before. Perfect.


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