
aren has eye problems

Not only does Aren have problems with his own eyes (he has a sty, ouch)...

...but he also has problems with my eyes. Specifically, when my eyes are covered with avaitor sunglasses. He made me give them away as he deemed them to be 'manly'.

our hood

With less than a week left living in the East End, we have been trying to take advantage of our favorite spots. After a vegan brunch , we wandered around.

Outside of a nice coffee shop, we saw this great dutch bike. Kids sit strapped in the front.

Then we found this cool alley. It would a great location, maybe for our next film?


The Year of the Berry

I bought a flat of strawberries at the farmer's market this weekend. Last year, we felt that we didn't eat enough berries and felt bereft all of 2006. We vowed that 2007 would be different. There would be flats of strawberries, raspberries and blueberries which would consumed straight from the carton, made into jams, frozen for future pancakes, muffins and smoothies...we had plans. Then we decided to return to Vancouver for the main berry month, July. Putting all those berries up in a variety forms is no longer pratical. We will have to live in the present and eat until we feel sick.


Heat Wave

It's really hot in our house. We sat with Bryan and watched the broken AC for hours...



After living at Dundas and Sherbourne for almost 9 months, it's only the last 3 weeks that we realized that there is a farmer's market on Saturday's at St Lawerence Market. It's a 5 minute bike ride away. If only we had known sooner...oh well. So far we have been enjoying Ontario asparagus, radishes, green onions, spinach and strawberries every week. And flowers. I missed the lilacs last week and made up for by buying 2 bunches of peonies this week. Heavenly.


The Year of the CFC

Last night we went to the screening of the Short Dramatic Films. Aren edited 2 of the 5 shorts this year. The screening was held in one of the big movie theatres in town and the biggest theatre they have. It was packed. The films looked great for the most part. We didn't love them all but there were really weren't any major diasters. Aren is now totally finished his program. What a year! I don't think Aren has ever worked so hard. Inadverently, I bought Aren his first tie yesterday. We were going for special but not to formal. I also gave him a haircut at the last minute. Who knew I could cut hair? Aren.